Friday, September 12, 2014

#15 5 Trick questions

Hello everybody!  Today I have 5 trick questions for you. Can you answer all of them?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

#14 Tomato Farmer

If you think, the solution to this one is easy, then you might be wrong.

At the start there are 99kg (99% of 100kg) water and 1kg (1% of 100kg) "other stuff". When the farmer arrived at the market, the percentage of water decreased to 98%. The weight of the "other stuff" stayed the same, but the percentage of the "other stuff" raised to 2% now. This means 2% = 1kg now and therefore 100% = 50kg. So the total weight of the tomatoes is 50kg now. This means, that 50kg water have evaporated.

Friday, August 22, 2014

#12 Ocean race

Are you fit in maths? Cause a little calculation is needed for this one.

And look at that.. Colors!!

#11 How smart are you?

Simple question, hard to answer. Especially, if you try to answer as quick as possible.

#10 Coin cross

A little out-of-the-box thinking is required here.

#9 Weigh me

Oh no! The scale got out of balance. Can you help to get it back in balance?

#6-8 The first memory test series

This one is a series of 3 memory tests. Your task is to remember as much of the shown symbols, numbers and/or ladders as possible, within a limited time frame.

#5 Matching triangles

This time a more geometry based match riddle.

#4 The pact!

In order to solve this, you have to make a pact with the devil ;)

#3 Match me up!

Enjoy this classic match riddle.

#2 Can u score 50?

It took me quite some time to figure this one out. It seems really easy, but actually.. it isn't

#1 Stars in the sky

On this one, you have to find hidden two well hidden stars. Can you find both?

Welcome to Riddle Me This!

Hello everybody and welcome to Riddle Me This!

The big question might be, what is this blog all about? Well, as the heading already suggests, this blog is all about puzzles, brainteasers, riddles and tests. 

The blog was created as an addition to the already existing Riddle Me This! youtube channel. For now, its just another way to get in touch with people that are, like me, interested in all kinds of riddles. As for the beginning, I am just going to post all new videos on this blog. Although I already have plans for the future to integrate the blog much more and to even post additional stuff on it.

I hope you will enjoy this blog and the youtube channel as much as I do. If you like the videos, feel free to comment them and please subscribe to the youtube channel!

Thank you very much and enjoy the blog!

Think of a card