Careful really hard riddle here!
Please not, that this is only a example. But with this technique you can find the pill wherever it is.
The scale stays in balance.This tells us, that the pill we are looking for is either the pink one or the grey one.
Weigh both pills again...
and you have your solution.
that the pill we are looking for must be on the left side.
If the scale stays in balance, we have found the deadly pill we were looking for (The one we did not weigh)!
If the scale gets out of balance, we also found our pill. This time its the one on the left.
Step 1
Take 6 random pills, divide them in 2 groups and weigh them. Now there are 2 possibilitys:Possibility 1
Step 2a
The scale stays in balance.This tells us, that the pill we are looking for is either the pink one or the grey one.
Step 3a
Weigh both pills again...
and you have your solution.
Possibility 2
Step 2b
The scale gets out of balance on the first try. This tells us:that the pill we are looking for must be on the left side.
Step 3b
Take any 2 pills out of the 3 pills from the left side (step 3a) and weigh them.If the scale stays in balance, we have found the deadly pill we were looking for (The one we did not weigh)!
If the scale gets out of balance, we also found our pill. This time its the one on the left.